
Jun 10, 2013

Upcycled Container Herb Garden - Herbs 101

My simple herb garden 2013 - the beginning!

We up-cycled some large tin cans and used some spray paint we had on hand for this fun project!

bulk food size cans

I'm trying something new this year, growing an herb garden on the deck near the kitchen! I thought it would be great to have these right outside my door for easy snipping!

recycled tin can for an upcycled container garden

We have a large family, so we have an endless supply of large cans. However, any type of container would work as long as it has proper drainage. You can make drainage holes in your containers with a nail and hammer or layer some gravel in the bottom of your container before adding the soil. Then plant your herb seeds, like we did, or purchase some small plants. Keep them watered, give them some sunshine and you'll be snipping in no time.

So far, I've planted basil, parsley, chocolate mint, dill, lavender, chives and sweet marjoram in my colorful new pots!

Do you use fresh herbs in your cooking?
Do you have an herb garden?


  1. Hi Maria, 2 years ago I planted herbs and it was so much Fun to see it grow and eating it. Especially knowing that I did it.
    I had basil which I love, Oregano ,cherry tomatoes also.
    Have a wonderful day my friend,
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  2. Hi there!
    We grow peppers! My husband loves fresh peppers on his food and he grows all kinds on the patio in pots. When we visit his mom we get loads of fresh greens and okra.


  3. These can pots looks so cute! We also have a little bed flower with herbs. It is very nice to have fresh herbs right next to your house. :)

  4. What fun - your herbs are so pretty and love how you've set this all up!

  5. Love your herb garden - how colourful and great reuse of items - they look fabulous:-) TFS


Thank you for commenting, I enjoy hearing from you!
Blessings, Maria