
Aug 23, 2016

Preserving Your Summer Squash - Zucchini

If you're someone who likes 
to share, grow summer squash. 
It's a very prolific plant!

homegrown zucchini

We grew green & golden 
zucchini summer squash 
this season. 

Unfortunately, we started
our garden a bit late due
to our May/June vacation
this year and it was just
when the squash "moths"
were laying their eggs.
We didn't notice in time,
and their larvae feasted
on our plants!
#sadface  :(

green and golden zucchini squash ready for the freezer

We were able to pick a few before
the vines started dying off.

Most of my zucchini is shredded,
preserved in FoodSaver bags and
stacked in the freezer for later use.

Although you can add shredded
zucchini to a number of recipes
to increase your veggie intake,
our main uses are...

*Zucchini Cake with Easy Cream Cheese Icing,
*Zesty Zucchini Relish.

I'll provide links above as I share my recipes here on the
blog in the coming days.

We use a food processor with
a shredder blade.

shredding side of a food processor blade

If you have a shredder for your
Kitchen-Aid mixer great, if not
a hand grater would work too!

Then we bag it up in 2 or 3 cup portions.
3 cups for the bread, 2 cups for the cake
and relish. Freeze it flat then stack it to
save space. No blanching required.

You could also slice your zucchini in
rounds and dehydrate it for use in soups
and casseroles.
Sprinkle on some seasonings before 
drying them for variety.

Whether you shred it, freeze it or 
dehydrate it, Zucchini is easy to 
preserve and a great veggie to keep 
on hand.

Now, I'm off to bake a zucchini cake!

Do you grow squash 
in your garden?

What is your favorite
way to use it?

scroll down to see where I'll be sharing today's post. 

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Blessings, Maria