Jun 29, 2016

Road Trip, a New Journal and Coming Soon on Five Simple Things!

Gosh, life gets busy, 
days go by and all of a sudden half the year is over.  
Stop this crazy, spinning world for a moment, 
I need to get off!

travel photos
Virginia IS for Lovers!

So much has happened since I last spoke with you! 

We've traveled the highways and by-ways of the U.S.A.
Visited some lovely folk and saw some amazing sites!

Salt River Canyon
Arizona...but it's a dry heat!

Then came home to massive gardening chores.

herbs and vegetables custom made garden box
Daniel built me more garden boxes to fill!

Planting veggies, herbs, trees and bushes.
We're starting a bit late since we didn't want
to plant everything before we traveled, so 
we'll see how it all turns out. 

purchasing trees & bushes at the nursery.

I also started a new planner system to organize & 
journal our exciting life {{grin}}
More on that later.


I bought a new faith journal. I have always
just used a plain notebook but during our travels
I came across this lovely little notebook and it 
called to me & reminded me that I was on the last
pages of my current journal. kinda.

Isn't it pretty???

bible journaling

Wanna see what my personal faith journal looks like
inside?  Stay tuned.

I have some other fun things to share with you now
that I'm back home and settled into my air-conditioned
lair for the summer.

Have a great Wednesday!