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Dec 21, 2014
Dec 18, 2014
Safety Education series - Review
With this beautiful Christmas season upon us, we
will not be having safety class in our home over the
next few weeks.
If you will be having class in your home, here are
some quick links to topics we have already covered.
Use them as a review class.
Fire Safety & intro
Enjoy this blessed time of year!
Merry Christmas
Our next new class will
be Jan. 8, 2015
Dec 11, 2014
Holiday Safety - Safety Education series
Dec. 11, 2014
Safety education: holiday safety
With the hustle & bustle of the holidays here, safety
sometimes takes a backseat. Now is a good time to
think about how your family will be celebrating this
year and discuss how you might handles some of these
common safety issues.
Will there be small children in your home over the
holidays? is your home still "childproof"?
Will older relatives be visiting? check for tripping
hazards, and remember, they may be carrying
prescription medication with non-child proof caps.
Are your decorations flame retardant if there will
be open flames nearby? Will you have a real tree
that will need watered? While decorating, be sure
to not overload electrical outlets and check for frayed
Will you be using open flame candles? Have you
tested your smoke alarms this month?
Will your family be cooking the holiday feast?
be sure to review our Kitchen Safety tips class.
Traveling with the family over the holidays, be safe
on the road and while staying away from home.
Decorating with live plants this holiday? Do you
have pets in your home?
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source with article |
This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it
should start some discussion.
Mom notes:
We had the children create a holiday safety checklist
years ago, we kept it with the Christmas decorations
and go over it each year.
Thanks for joining us for class this week.
We will not be having safety class in our
home over the next few weeks due to the
holidays, however there will be a review
posted next week.
Our next new class will be Jan. 8, 2015
scroll down to see where I'll be sharing today's post.
Dec 4, 2014
Hypothermia - Safety Education series
Dec. 4, 2014
Safety Education: Hypothermia
What is hypothermia?
Today we'll be learning about it, understanding the
signs and symptoms, how to treat it, what not to do
and how to prevent it.
wiseGEEK has a good article on the topic*, read it
with your children or have them read it, then discuss
it as a family.
*no need to click on sidebar topics on this
article, they are mostly advertisements.
Mom note:
This is such important info for children as well
as adults. Does your child go skiing (or other winter
activities) with friends and their families? This info
could save a life!
Here's a great infographic for all those visual learners!
Source: Eastern Mountain Sports
Thanks so much
for joining us.
See you next week.
disclaimer: I am not a doctor or safety expert. This article is only intended to serve as an encouragement to discuss safety basics and give safety class ideas to homeschoolers.
scroll down to see where I'll be sharing today's post.
Nov 27, 2014
Nov 20, 2014
Emergency Car Kits - Safety Education series
November 20, 2014
Safety Education: Emergency Car Kits
If you've watched the news lately, this cold snap
has brought more scenes of stranded travelers on
snowy roadways. I wonder how many had prepared
for such an emergency.
Today we are going think what it might be like to
be stranded in our vehicle for an extended period
of time...during daylight hours and possibly added
difficulties if we had to remain overnight.
Depending on their ages, they may need some
prompts from teacher. (food, water, warmth,
sheltering-in-place verses walking to safety)
Brainstorm a list of items that combat each
emergency scenario the kids mentioned.
Talk about the viability and practicality of
each item, remembering, they will be stored
in the vehicle.
Here's our list:
a case of water
flashlight with extra batteries
candles & matches in a can or glass jar
maps & compass
multi-purpose tool/knife
first aid kit
extra socks,coats, boots
large & small trash bags
a list of emergency contact numbers
pen/pencil & paper
a bucket with lid, toilet paper, wet wipes
some dried or canned food with pull tabs
windshield washer fluid
jumper cables
small shovel
ice scraper
road flares
bag of kitty litter (for traction)
cell phone chargers
Now, think about storage space in your vehicle.
(some of these items may already be kept there)
Most items may fit in a backpack or a 5 gal.
bucket. Are there drawers under your seats
or will everything need to be stored in your
Gather and assemble your emergency car kits
as soon as possible. Even if your family never
experiences an emergency, having these items
may allow you to help others during your travels.
gathering items for our Car Emergency Kit - candles & matches |
Mom notes:
A key component of educating our children in safety
is to present different situations and have the
children think of possible problems that could occur
and then discuss various practical solutions.
These thinking exercises have not only made my
children better prepared for emergencies but have
also enhanced their leadership skills.
Thanks so much for
joining us this week.
We will not have safety class next week, due to the
Thanksgiving holiday.
Thursday, Dec. 4th.
or checkout the "subscribe" tab
above for more options.
scroll down to see where I'll be sharing today's post.
Nov 17, 2014
Homemade Spaghetti Sauce - printable recipe
We've been making spaghetti
sauce over the last few days.
It's SO good!
I know this is normally a summer activity
for most gardeners, but cooking & canning
all day doesn't appeal to me while I'm melting
in the warmer weather. So I throw all my
tomatoes in the freezer and wait for 'wood stove'
cooking season.
With the latest cold front bringing in this chilly
weather, mid-November, it appears the season
has arrived!
Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
½ bushel of tomatoes (more or less)
½ cup olive oil
6 - 8 garlic cloves, minced
1 Tablespoon salt
pinch of black pepper
8 - 10 ounces tomato paste
¼ - ½ cup sugar
¼ cup oregano
¼ cup parsley
¼ cup basil
1 cup zucchini, shredded (optional)
1. peel tomatoes
2. puree tomatoes in blender/food processor
for a thinner sauce
OR mash them if you like a chunky sauce.
3. In a large pot (at least 10 quart) cook garlic in oil.
4. when garlic is tender, add tomatoes and
remaining ingredients.
5. IMPORTANT- taste periodically.
6. Boil until sauce cooks down to desired thickness.
1. Paste tomatoes such as Roma or Amish have higher
levels of sugar and acids along with less moisture,
making them a better tomato to "cook down" than other
tomatoes. They are sometimes called sauce tomatoes.
If using only sauce tomatoes, start with less sugar
than listed above.
Personally, I use whatever tomatoes I have on hand,
(Roma, Amish, Beefsteak, even Large Red Cherry) and
just adjust the seasonings as they're cooking.
2. To easily peel tomatoes, dip in boiling water for
about 30 seconds or until skins begin to crack.
This is the personal recipe of Maria Matter @ Five Simple Things.
If canning, when your sauce reaches your desired
thickness, pour hot into hot jars, leaving ¼ inch [6mm]
head space. Process pint jars 30 minutes in boiling
water bath.
one more note:
As I mentioned above, I put my fresh tomatoes
in the freezer until I'm ready to process them.
I core them first and cut off any bad spots, then
fill up a freezer bag, removing as much air as
When you remove them from the freezer, place
them in a colander in the sink. As they start to
thaw, some of the water will drain reducing your
cooking time and the skins will crack on their own
eliminating the need to dip in boiling water. Let
them continue to drain for a while longer after
If you've never made your own sauce, I encourage
you to give it a try and I would be happy to answer
any questions you may have.
scroll down to see where I'll be sharing today's post.
Nov 13, 2014
Winter Storm Emergency Kit - Safety Education series
November 13, 2014
Safety Education: Winter Storm kits
With the arrival of winter weather, it's time to
put together some winter storm emergency kits.
First, talk to the children about what they think
might happen during a winter storm; what
emergencies your family might experience.
This will make you aware of their level of
understanding and be able to address their
specific concerns.
Next, we will gather some emergency supplies.
Having these items on-hand will save you a lot
of discomfort and trouble when a storm hits.
Here are some basic supplies.
(If you don't have them all now, gather what you
can and make a list of what you still need.)
a 3-day supply of water,
a gallon per person per day
a 3-day supply of non-perishable food
and a manual can opener
(heat & eat food if you'll have a
source of heat to cook)
flashlights and extra batteries,
glow sticks
candles and matches
blankets and warm clothing
or a few Mylar blankets
a NOAA hand-crank weather radio/flashlight
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hand crank weather radio |
a first aid kit
(like we assembled for our class back in Oct.)
a shovel and some Rock Salt
a deck of cards or other non-electric games
This is by no means an extensive list. Each family
should have an ample supply vital to their individual household before a storm hits.
(medications, care items for elderly, infants and pets)
Also, discuss where in your home you can store these
gathered emergency supplies. If an area needs to
be cleaned out to make room, make it a family
project. That way everyone will know where the
supplies are kept!
Mom notes:
Have the children calculate the amount of water
and food each person will need for three days.
Make sure your children know how to light an
oil lamp & adjust the wicks if you'll be using them.
Also, make sure your older children know where
the gas cans are kept, how to start a generator, how
to use a fire extinguisher or how to shut off utilities
if necessary.
For all pet owners, be sure to check which emergency
shelters allow pets in case you would ever need to
evacuate. ( have the kids research this online)
Here's a Winter Storm Safety Checklist (pdf)
print-out from the American Red Cross!
Thanks so much for joining our safety class,
see you next week!
Do you keep winter
emergency supplies on hand?
Did I forget anything?
scroll down to see where I'll be sharing today's post.
Nov 6, 2014
Kitchen safety tips- Safety Education series
November 6, 2014
Safety Education: a Safe Holiday Kitchen
With the holiday season approaching,
the kitchen will become a hub of activity!
Unfortunately, it also can quickly turn into
a site for injuries and fires during this busy
time of year, according to the Fire Marshal's
fire safety council.
Here are a few Kitchen Safety Tips to review.
· Stay in the kitchen while cooking.
If you must leave, turn down the heat
on appliances and return quickly.
· Keep anything that can catch fire,
such as dishtowels, paper or plastic bags,
curtains, etc., at least three feet away
from the stove top.
· Avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing
when cooking (such as long open sleeves)
which can be ignited by hot burners.
· Remove mats or runners in the kitchen
and dining areas that could cause someone
to slip or trip while carrying hot dishes.
· Always turn pot handles inward to prevent
small children from reaching up and pulling
down a hot pan.
· Keep hot items, such as hot beverages and
trays that have just come out of the oven
away from the edge of counters, so that small
children are not able to reach them.
· Hot liquid and food burns often occur when
little ones pull hanging tablecloths or place mats.
Use table cloths and decorations with care.
· Food cooked in a microwave can be
dangerously hot. Remove lids or other
coverings from microwaved food carefully
to prevent steam burns.
· Keep young children and pets away from
the stove when anyone is cooking and never
leave small children in the kitchen unsupervised
when food is being prepared.
· Store knives and other sharp objects
out of the reach of young children.
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After reading, have students create a checklist for these tips
or a pictorial poster to be posted in the kitchen.
Mom note:
During the holidays our whole family normally
works together in the kitchen to prepare festive
meals. However, over the years,depending on
the age of the child, they might only have a few
dishes to help prepare. So we would always set
that child on a stool, partially outside the busy
cooking path, in the kitchen with the above
checklist to have them "watch over" us noting
any safety concerns. We made sure they
understood this was an important job being
entrusted to them in helping to keep our family
Thanks so much
for joining us!
See you next week.
Do you have any other
kitchen safety tips to share?
scroll down to see where I'll be sharing today's post.
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